Wednesday, June 06, 2007

So hey. It's Wednesday and that means margaritas. Usually. Ok so it hasn't happened in a while, but that doesn't mean I'm any less of a man (single tear).

Anyhow, this Friday is Jen's birthday. We'll be going out to a dinner we can't afford then we'll probably be going to Cha Cha or the Red Lion afterwards. As these places are public, all are welcome.

On a more private note, we will be having a much more exclusive party this Sunday at our house. If you know where that is, you may come. It will be approximately after church. Lunchish time. You can call for a more specific time. Or, you will probably receive an email about it. Anyways. It will be a bbq. It will be fun. It will also be Mike, Matt and Becca's birthday party, so you might receive four emails (depending on how much each of these people like you).

That's about all. I went to a mind numbing curriculum training today and the best part? I got a free fried chicken ceaser salad for lunch. Oh well. I only have 2 weeks left for this school year. I'm feeling irresponsible already.

All for now. I am glad there are no nude pics of me on the interweb.