Thursday, December 07, 2006


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Here's Jen,
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
and here's me. We're in Arizona at a pueblo called Wupatki. They have a hole in the ground that constantly blows cold air. Guess what it's called.

It's called a blowhole. Get it. Yeah. They don't know what it did. It's located about 50 yards from any of the buildings so my air conditioning hypothesis was shattered. Maybe they used it as a blowdryer. Or to scatter confetti during parades. Or maybe they used as a point of inspiration for strangely posed pictures. Ah, the mysteries of life.


Andrew said...

Arizona: state of mystery. First Sedona, then the delicious (yet mysterious) flavored iced teas, now this. We all live in the wrong state(s).

Seriously said...

sweet dude. where've you been? gloyd.

Anonymous said...

Best photoshoot of my life!