Wednesday, December 05, 2007


So I'm working past my (personal) deadline for application completion and I have a stack of short stories to grade and I have my evaluation by the principal of the school tomorrow. How am I preparing for this? Cha cha.

In all seriousness, I am prepared for all of the aforementioned events. I am primarily going to the Cha to celebrate a day of birth with Jen Giunta (sp?) and pour one out for Hammy.

Also, my 5th period class will no longer complete their warm-up writing assignments unless I play D.A.N.C.E. at least twice. Several students are working on their own moves for this song which I believe should be showcased at the end of the year talent show.

Additionally, I will be competing in a half-marathon this coming Saturday morning in my hometown of Irvine, California. I am excited and scared. A half-marathon is 13 miles.
Can I do this?
Yes I can.
But can I really?
Are you sure?
Do you mean yes?


Andrew said...

Thank you for pouring one out for me.

Do you really grade your short stories?

Ryan Callis said...

dude, i miss patty.