Tuesday, March 17, 2009

a couple of things

Just a couple of things before the library opens this morning...

Thing the first; Sgt. Pepper's is an amazing album. A day in the life is awesome. All things considered, listening to this album right now reminds me of listening to Evol by Sonic Youth in high school, wondering why bands didn't make better albums/music. I still wonder that.

Thing the second; the new Merriweather Post Pavilion is not an amazing album. I don't know why it is garnering such high praise. It's predictable and soulless. Though I reserve the right to change this opinion, I don't see that happening.

There you have it. A couple of things. A couple means two.

Now I leave to get on with my day.


-- chase said...

I really didn't like Merriwether Post Pavilion when it first came out, but it has grown on me. I still prefer virtually everything else Animal Collective has done, but I do appreciate MPP now. It may grow on you as well.

Andrew said...

I like it a lot. I challenge the soulless claim. Dude sings about summertime clothes. It's way better than Feels and stupid, stupid Strawberry Jam. Not better than Sung Tongs though. Happy St. Patrick's Day!