Tuesday, January 10, 2006

So, like most people that I assume I know, I have prematurely procured (alliteration!) the new Belle and Sebastian album.

Like most haters out there, I don't want to be the guy who carries a torch for a band long after (or even one album, for that matter) they've stopped making quality albums. Because of their seemingly impecable track record, I have a strangely unreasonable feeling of trepidation whenever I approach a new B&S album. I think it's a lingering feeling of disappointment left over from the deplorably Cat Stevens influenced "I'm Waking Up To Us" single/ep thing.

All that being said (and there's really not much more to say afterward), this new album kills. I'm serious. Nary a disappointing track to be found. It seems that album by album, B&S have only grown more formidible in their hook writing prowess. Jen described this album (oh, it's called The Life Pursuit by the way) as really bee boppy, which I don't really understand. Not from the point of a musical historian purist, but because I don't hear any real bops on it. Just a lot of extremely proficiently written, ass kicking pop music. There's even a rather wailing guitar solo.

How do they do this? I really don't know. They aren't forging new territory in a trendy new genre (re: doom/drone metal, post-post rock, brazilian new wave) but they seem to very happily and cleverly and tenderly and affectionately and sensitively and boistorously and jubiliantly and plaintivly and sexily destroy any record that gets into your collection.

As a recap, here's what your getting:
A B&S record.

I guess it will be arriving in February with some sort of limited edition CD/DVD combo or 2LP or, for all of you who like to sleep on obviously amazing albums, the regular CD format.

Get it. They deserve yr money. And they're playing at the Wiltern some time soon. Go to that too.

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