Monday, February 20, 2006

More talking.

So my genius doctor's brilliant plan for my strained voice has proven to be completely worthless. I spent three days not speaking and drinking tons of water (often mixed with 1/2 tons of vodka) and at the end of it all, my voice is as bad as ever. It's kind of sad because I was really hoping that this would work. Now I'll be traveling back to the hospital and hopefully seeing someone with a slightly better idea.

One of the side effects of this experiment is a strange, lingering feeling of hesitation to answer any questions people ask me before about 8:30 in the morning. As the day goes on, I'll respond freely, but those first few questions make me nervous. I keep feeling like I'm not actually supposed to be talking and I panic a little as I try to figure out how to communicate without using words. It's kind of weird.


Matt Pool said...

did someone mention a trip to primm???

Andrew said...

have you considered the possibility that the vodka may be making the voice situation worse?

no, that's silly talk. you need a new doctor.