Thursday, November 23, 2006

Wincing this album away.

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Now, don't get me wrong. I will probably listen to this album approximately 5 times this weekend (Jen and I are traveling to Arizona) and I won't be upset about it. However, this album creates one of those weird moments you have with a band you like a lot. There's nothing offensive. There's no strangely misguided deviation from the original sound. Basically, it sounds like it is supposed to. It's just a little bit boring. The first Shins album was all creepy and dark. Behind the 60s pop melodies there lay something misanthropic and sinister. A small misanthrope, but a misanthrope nonetheless. On the second shins album the sun breaks through the clouds and there is joy throughout the land. Everyone is happy, especially the slide guitar player. This album is somewhere in between. Jen pointed out that it sounds fuller. There are more layers and lush strings and horns. It also appears that their keyboard player saved up some cash and bought a new keyboard. These things are good, but they don't add up to anything grandiose. It's 1/2 DIY, 1/2 huge. Lyrics wise, there are the same word games, but these don't seem as impressive as they once did. The witty rhymes may tickle your ear, but they don't really make you think.

As I write this, I realize that some of the criticism I am laying down would be an apt description of many bands that I champion. Hmmmm..... anyhow. The jury is still out I suppose.


Andrew said...

my jury is in. the album is boring. it gets worse the more chances you give it. it also--to me at least--sounds like animal collective, feelsera. it's a dark day when the shins start sounding blatanly derivative.

i like your writing.

Seriously said...

i thought they always sounded blatanly derivative. another ten bucks happily not spent.