Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Right now LA is on fire. Griffith Park is literally on fire. I could see actual flames (not just smoke) and a helicopter dropping water very clearly as I drove home from work today. It's strange seeing something like this so close up. I really like Griffith Park and I hope that it's ok in the end.

This burnination was strangely timely as I just finished reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It was really good and there was a lot of burnination in it.

We (not me, but the students) are taking a week long standardized test. I finished the book while the kids were testing today and I would liken this to watching, say, It's a Wonderful Life on your ipod while you are waiting in line at the DMV. What does that mean? Yeah... er... nah. Ok.

In other news, I am now listening to "Oracle" by sunn0))) and it is pretty good. The first track is kind of a remix of the track they did for the Jukebox Buddha comp. They remixed it by having Joe Preston play jackhammer (yes, that kind of jackhammer) over the Buddha Box track and adding vocals. Oooo and drums. There's drums now too. I bet it's Atsuo doing the drumming. It sounds a lot like Etna off of Altar. Only with echo-y static. Yeah. It's good though. The jackhammer is much less jarring when it's used as a textural instrument rather than what it's creator intended it for.

On a final note, I would like to congratulate all those that are moving or marrying or birthing in the near future. Hooray! I wish very different things for all of you. Good things, but different for sure... Hooray!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

I just got Altar. It's very good.